Background Screening Information

In the world we live in today, it is critical steps are taken to prevent sexual abuse from occurring in your congregation. By doing background screening, you are taking the first step in protecting your children. National background checks are very reasonably priced and guarantee complete and accurate records, through Protect My Ministry’s extensive re-verification process. 

Contact them at:
LCMS Signup:
Phone: 800-319-5581 and ask for sales

For additional information contact Leann Benson, Risk Management Specialist at 813-798-9294 or 800-319-5581 ext 2221 or email 

Preschool and Lutheran school contact: Sondra Smith at 813-670-3323 or email


An additional option for employee background screening is AAIM Employers Association. AAIM provides comprehensive HR solutions for ministries of any size.  They offer employers the services, tools, and resources you need to hire, develop, and retain employees efficiently and effectively.


Phone 314-754-0236 or 314-754-0194 


The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has a relationship with MinistrySafe ( that allows all LCMS congregations and schools to have access to the online MinistrySafe resources at no cost through 2024.  The LCMS recognizes the need to continue vigilance in child protection. The LCMS Office of National Mission recommends congregations and schools of the Synod have a strategy to utilize abuse prevention resources including tools, training, and instruction in child sexual abuse safety system; and obtain background check services for staff and volunteers. MinistrySafe is a national organization that equips congregations and ministry programs to better protect children from sexual abuse.   For more information, go to or contact Rhonda Mohr at the District office.